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Make 2025 the year you...

Get your board game overfunded to
make 6 figures and beyond

Welcome to The Kagan Duckademy: Mastering the Game of Crowdfunding! - A 12-week program with Ori Kagan to turn your passion into profit.

I’ve helped board game designers raise $21+ million in Kickstarter funding — are you next?

"Ori can make the difference between a game that sells and a game that flops."

Victor Shiu
Director, LaunchBoom Games

"Ori's superfan methodology is a revelation that transformed our marketing, sales, and even our game designs!”

Dusty Droz
Dux Somnium - Botany
($1.05 Million on Kickstarter)

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
"[Ori's] insight into not only the business side of how campaigns work, and how customers think, but also through the creative side in how to capture imagination and the attention of potential backers!"
Jay Cormier
Off the Page Games
(Mind MGMT, Harrow County)

"Ori's guidance brought clarity to our marketing process and helped us define our brand's voice and identity. Thanks to Ori's methods, our fan base grew beyond expectations!"

Aviad Tal
Beyond the Screen - Book of Spirits ($224k on Kickstarter)

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
Ready to Play?

Picture this — 

As the morning mist dissipates, you find yourself standing on a rugged cliff overlooking a dense forest.

In the distance, the mystical Portal of Publication glimmers invitingly—a gateway to turning your dream into a reality.

Your board game, crafted with passion and lore, is eager for the world's embrace. But between you and the portal stretches...

The dense, uncharted Forest of Marketing  
Doubting your skills and lacking the weapons and armor needed to brave the forest, possibly full of traps and monsters, you find yourself hesitating at the precipice.

Will you muster the courage to learn the marketing secrets of the forest, so you can reach the portal and launch your game into legend?

Hey, I’m Ori
If I were at the table with you, I’d be the GM handing you a D20 telling you you "roll for initiative" as you make your way through the Forest of Marketing.

Unfortunately I’m not at the table with you right now... but I’d like to be!

As you can tell, I love stories (and D&D) but there’s a special reason I decided to use this analogy to talk to you today...

You may think that because you’re a creative, or introverted or geeky, you can’t do “this whole marketing thing” but here’s what no one is telling you —

Getting your game overfunded on Kickstarter is a lot like being an awesome Dungeon Master: It’s got nothing to do with traditional marketing and everything to do with STORYTELLING.


Kagan Duckademy
Master the Game of Crowdfunding
An epic 3-month quest program to get your board game overfunded to make 6-figures and beyond, in 2025.

Only 30 spots available — 30 day money back guarantee

"As a creator new to crowdfunding, Ori filled the role of a coach, taking the time to understand my project and offering practical marketing insights based on first-hand experience."
Heather Vaught Dixon
($73k on Kickstarter)

"We didn’t know the first thing about marketing before we met Ori. He helped us find our identity as a brand and connected us with all the best resources. We wouldn’t have succeeded without him!"

Matt Mundy
Sea Cow Games - Flock Together ($308k on Kickstarter)

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
The tools, weapons and armor you’ll have at your disposal inside…
Kagan Duckademy

A Curriculum designed to de-risk and de-stress the Kickstarter process

You WON’T be overwhelmed by a huge curriculum that you need to plow through.

Oh no. This is a simple step-by-step process.

Instead we’ll have weekly 90-minute LIVE calls where we go through the curriculum together, chapter by chapter — so you do exactly the right thing in the right moment with zero overwhelm.

Weekly live calls to support you through every step of the adventure

Real-time, interactive learning sessions with me (Ori) and my chosen guest experts who are serious industry leaders. 

Each call will be 90 minutes long and you’ll have the chance to ask me anything as I reveal the same strategy that’s helped dozens of game developers (like with Botany) get overfunded and published.

Your new favorite community awaits

Share your progress and get invaluable feedback from an intimate group of fellow board game designers who share your dream.

You’ll share ideas, get feedback, and find someone to hold you accountable as you launch (what I like to call a launch buddy).

Get 1:1 feedback on your page to launch day

Real-time, interactive learning sessions with me (Ori) and my chosen guest experts who are serious industry leaders. 

Each call will be 90 minutes long and you’ll have the chance to ask me anything as I reveal the same strategy that’s helped dozens of game developers (like Firefly) get overfunded and published.

The ultimate checklist to keep you on track

Stay organized and on track with this comprehensive checklist covering all the steps in your crowdfunding campaign.

Make sure you’re fully prepared for each phase of the launch and minimize the risk of missing an important step.


To make sure I can give you my full attention
there are only 30 spots available

Grab your place at the table now to avoid missing out!

30 day money back guarantee

You want to make your dollar stretch as much as possible, I get that.
So let’s talk numbers...
If you hired my agency for your board game launch the investment would be $8,000 to $25,000

Okay, that price would be for strategy, plus a trailer for your board game (Kagan Productions is a video production agency) — but, the strategy is the key piece to the puzzle

Trust me, we've made epic videos for games that DIDN’T get funded, because the designers didn’t invest in marketing strategy. (It’s the reason why we refuse to make videos without strategy included now).

I’ve created this program because I wanted to help more passionate indie designers get their game into the world without this price tag.

This is the most affordable way to get my expertise, strategy, and years of experience, without having to pay agency rates.
But this isn’t just about money, is it?
The real cost of a failed launch is NOT about lost funds, if you ask me.

It’s the lost confidence, time and enthusiasm.

And I don’t want that for you. No, thank you. 

I’ve seen too many talented designers quit because they didn’t get their first launch right.

But I want you to know what it feels like to hold your published and funded game in your hands for the first time. And have 100s or even 1000s waiting to receive it in their hands too.

So, how much is this program worth to you?
"Without Ori, our game Chemical Overload may have never seen the light of day, let along been a successful, fully funded Kickstarter."
Michael Crandall
Chemical Overload
($41k on Kickstarter)

"Ori's valuable insights helped us take our board game Primates to the next level!"

Derek Coons
Primates: An Evolutionary Board Game ($39k on Kickstarter and counting!)

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

Pay in full and save $220


Take a 3-month payment plan

All payments protected by my Money Back Guarantee: 

 If you’re not loving the program in 30 days, you get your money back, no quibbles

Got a question? Step into the FAQ tavern, my friend...
  • Why this program? Why now?
    Because if you’re a board game designer who wants to get your game funded on Kickstarter there is nothing on the market that’s more relevant to you right now. Not anything that’s made by - and with direct access to - someone with a track record of helping board game designers do exactly what you want to do. 

    In a nutshell, this program is made for you… by someone just like you… with the exact experience and framework to do exactly what you want to do! 

    It's as if the stars have aligned, marking it your destiny to join us on this journey.
  • How long is the program and what is the time commitment each week?
    It’s 3 months long and every week there’ll be a live 90-minute session with me. You’ll also  need time to implement what you've learned. 

    This program has been designed to give you all the strategies you need to take action fast with zero fluff.

    I will be there with you every step of the way to give you the support you need to launch your game into the world.
  • Is this program right for me?
    If you’re a new or experienced board game developer ready to have your most successful board game launch ever in 2025, this program is for you.
    Even if you’ve done this before I can show you how to get even better results with my years of experience and secret strategies for Kickstarter campaigns that get overfunded within the blink of an eye.
  • When does the program start and when will the live calls take place?
    The first call of the program will be on September 17th and calls will take place every Tuesday after that for 12 weeks. We’ll wrap up in December, ready for your launch in the New Year.

    Calls will usually be held at 3pm ET.
  • What if I can’t make the live calls?
    No problem at all! We schedule the calls at times that work well for the U.S., but if you can't join one, just shoot over your questions beforehand. I’ll make sure they get answered live. 

    Plus, the recordings will be available within 24 hours in the Kagan Duckademy Hub, so you'll be free to catch up on anything you missed, whenever it's convenient for you.
  • Is there a refund policy?
    Yes! I’m 100% committed to this program being the best investment you’ve ever made. If you’re not happy for any reason, I’m offering a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy.
""Ori helped a lot with the launch of Chroma Arcana, and I think his help was paramount to our success.""
Mo Shawwa 
Chroma Arcana - (£66,606 on Kickstarter)

"[Ori's] review really kicked my butt to fix my page, leading to three times more funding than I expected!"

Dylan Coyle
Park Life - ($20,707 on Kickstarter)

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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  • Preferred option
    Pay in Full: $2750 USD Today$2750.00
  • Preferred option
    Pay in 3: $990 USD Today + $990 USD pm x 23x $990.00

Only 0 remaining!

  • Total payment
  • Kagan Duckademy$0

All prices in USD